By: Savanna Kirchoff

Developing a brand is a foundational part of starting a business. 

But what exactly does branding entail? Why does it matter?

Branding encompasses a variety of marketing tactics that creates a unique identity which distinguishes your business from other businesses. Your business’ brand makes a lasting impression on consumers and shows that what you offer makes you the better choice. 

Branding can provide insights to consumers and influence the buying decisions they make. 

Here are the top five reasons why branding is so vital to your business in attaining your marketing goals.

1. Branding Increases Recognition 

Branding is a key way in which consumers know what your business is. A well-designed  brand makes a memorable and attention-grabbing impression on consumers. Branding allows businesses to create the thoughts and feelings they want consumers to experience when they see their logo or advertisement. 

2. Branding Boosts Business Value 

Branding is incredibly important in generating future business because branding can increase your business’s value to investors and collaborators. Proper branding gives current and future consumers an idea of exactly who you are, what you offer and how you are different from your competitors. 

When individuals know your brand and your offerings, it makes it much easier for them to choose your business over others. 

3. Branding Builds Trust 

By seeing a brand they recognize in a business’ store, logo, products or business card, consumers recognize the business as a trusted place they can visit and interact with. 

Building a strong brand allows consumers to create a sense of security because the business consistently provides certain quality products or services. 

By building trust, a business’ brand can influence consumers’ rapid decision making when searching for certain products or services because they assume your business will provide the consistent service or product every time. 

4. Branding Inspires Employees

Most people don’t want to work at a business just to make a living. They want to see value in the place where they spend a lot of their time. Branding communicates to employees the reason to work at your company instead of a competitor’s. 

When an employee knows the company’s mission and purpose, they are more likely to stick around and put in the extra effort because they support the cause or idea your brand represents. This can in turn increase productivity and employee retention. 

5. Branding Drives New Products and Services 

Once the brand has become recognizable to consumers and establishes customer loyalty, the brand can more easily introduce new products and services with its legacy strength and attractiveness to consumers. 

Consumers are more willing to buy your new products and services because they know your brand and believe in it. 

How can 1893 Brand Studio help you create your brand?

As a media agency, the 1893 Brand Studio offers a variety of services that can help your business stand out in its own unique way. 

Some of the biggest ways to build your brand and services that we offer include logo design, website building, digital marketing and much more. 
If you have questions about building your brand and want to get started today, contact us.